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3 Simple Food Rules That Transformed Our Health


December 31, 2024

The Rules:

  1. Are there 5 ingredients or less?

  2. Can all of the ingredients be easily pronounced?

  3. Are all of the ingredients naturally made?

Why these rules?

They are easy for children to remember.

They are easy to help children understand.

They are easy for a mom of young children who is trying to get in and out of the store to remember and apply.

They simply work.

I could take not feeling well all the time. It was what I knew throughout my life. It was "just me." Then my daughter arrived. She was born with head to toe eczema. Something was wrong and it was up to me as her mother to do my best to figure it out.

I started asking questions and doing my best to sort through the mountains of information. Finally, in a state of frustration, I asked what did Eve do? This perspective change made all the difference.

I realized that we live a totally different lifestyle than Eve did. However, some things were the same. We lived on the same planet. We both had children to raise into healthy and happy adults. We both had Divine guidance as to how to raise our children. We both had "mother's intuition."

I was still struggling but doing better. Then we moved. I was introduced to someone who does Live Blood Analysis. Instead of me guessing, I now had someone who could look at our blood and tell me what was going on or what should be happening but was not.

We started taking supplements made of healthy ingredients and designed to increase our nutrition level, strengthen our immune systems and wipe out pathogens. Within a few months we saw a huge difference. So much so that my husband who was extremely skeptical could not ignore what was happening and he chose to start getting his blood analyzed and take supplements.

Here we are over 20 years later. There have been times when for various reasons we were not able to be so choosy about what we ate. However, our bodies have been strengthened to the point that we have stayed healthy when our diet was lacking, we are no longer required to take supplements all the time, we rarely become ill and if we do then it is short lived.

Doing our best to eat food that is itself healthy, on a consistent basis has truly been a life saver.

Heads up: in the beginning it was slightly more expensive because we were repairing and strenthening our bodies. Within a few months we were actually eating less because we were eating more nutrient dense food. In the end it has saved us a lot of money, time and space .


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